The rise of the e-generation

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This is a look at how it can sometimes feel to be an adult seeking to gain understanding and relevance in the world of our children.  It also points to the fact that there is a new generation emerging.

Here is a piece written a couple of years ago to explain that the use of, and modelling of ICT integration, is not so much a matter of age or “gen something” but rather a state of mind.

Meet the e-generation: a generation unlike others, linked not to a particular age cohort, but rather to the simple uniting forces of an overwhelming curiosity and the strong human need for love and belonging.  The e-generation is any age, and anywhere.The e-generation, inextricably linked to internet technologies, have replaced the baby boomer linear relay model of life with a new paradigm: the world wide web. For the e-generation there’s a range of possible routes to get to a destination and an horizon of possibility disappearing into the distance. From the eighties, and mobile phones the size of a small sports bag, to the plethora of gadgetry available today, the e-generation has come to regard very little as impossible, given a combination of will, ability and resources.

Luckily, we have realised recently that we need to add to the mix of will, ability and resources a key ingredient : intelligent relationships.  A product of emotional intelligence, intelligent relationships help satisfy our need for affiliation, and, in so doing, deliver better outcomes for all. The “web-way,” which allows people to get to similar places without competing for a route is rich with possibilities, if disturbing to the control freaks.

Like any generation, the e-generation has taken time to grow up and decide just what it wants to do. It can happily be reported, however, that huge numbers of the e-generation are tapping in to new ways of affiliation, developing trust and learning communities online.

The piece at the link below takes a look at one reaction to a mum getting involved.

Click to read the story


Diving right into a new paradigm

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Wow..the idea is becoming mainstream enough that the Telegraph is running the piece.  Some of the statistics published in this piece point to not just some form of societal evolution, but rather a revolution which has happened, almost within a parallel world, in spite of what many have fought to conserve.

As a leader within our concern for delivery of relationships, relevance and rigour in educational settings, how are you placed within this landscape?  There’s a great deal to be said in favour of getting as immersed as possible. The new landscape provides exceptional opportunities for the achievement of each of these three key outcomes. It’s just up to us to shift our vantage point to a place where we can see every one of them clearly.

Why swim against the tide when you can go with the flow? (And get where we all want to get)

Click here to read the piece in the Telegraph 

Wot’s a Wiki ?

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Ever wondered what Wikis are all about ??  Have a look at the video at the link below

View the video at  or Download: (You’ll need a Flash player) Posted by edtecher at

‘Worried’ children

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A new study has found that there is a worrying level of a sense of disconnection being felt by our 10 to 14 year olds…just at a critical stage for school transition and engagement. 

Academics have called on the federal government to appoint a children’s minister and an independent commissioner for children following the release of a report which found 10- to 14-year-olds believe adults don’t care about their views and opinions.

The report, `Children’s Fears, Hopes and Heroes: Modern Childhood in Australia,’ found a growing number of children feel disconnected from society and adults show little respect for children’s opinions.

Click here to read the story

You can also download a copy of a report entitled “Every child needs a hero” by clicking here

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