Leading in a Connected World

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They have been busy weeks as the term draws to a close. Along with some end of Year 12 commitments, I’ve also had a couple of speaking gigs and opportunities to share ideas with other educators and thinkers.

A key part of all of these activities has been the place which our ability to connect and collaborate has taken. Last week, there was the chance to run a live twitter stream as an adjunct to our New Institute event which featured chef Stefano Manfredi. Via Twitter, a link was made with local radio who hosted Stefano on their afternoon show, and to other members of the Newcastle Twitterverse who took part in the event via Twitter.

We also had a lively discussion and sharing session between a number of great users of Moodle and blogs in classroom situations. It was wonderful to see a range of teachers at different points in their career actively learning from and with each other.

At the NSW Hospital Schools’ Association Conference on Friday it was good to share thoughts about the role we play in providing scaffolds and in seeking to find and assist the realisation of the great things which lie within our students.

This week, a trip down the F3 and the chance to share ideas in a presentation and panel discussion at Ignite 2010

Today was a presentation at the Hunter Central Coast Region Primary Leadership Conference at East Maitland.  To get some ideas together I approached my PLN, or Personal Learning Network.  As usual, they provided great ideas, links and more connections. I’ve edited the presentation and added one of my songs as a soundtrack and uploaded to YouTube.  Please feel free to post comments.

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