Beautiful country – and visual metaphor

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I’ve just returned from Dungog, which is a country town about an hour and a half  North of Newcastle in NSW.  My gig was a keynote for a combined group of teachers from local schools: kicking off a full ‘Tools For Learning’ day.

I drove up in the last afternoon and loved the beautiful colours on the hills, the deep greens and contrasts as the lengthening shadows gathered in the clefts of the hills.  It made me think of the great possibilities which the mobile device so many of us carry with us provides in capturing images and moments of meaning. 

I was able to take the picture below and include it in my presentation as a way of talking with teachers about how we might, (subject to the obvious needs around agreed acceptable usage), ask students to provide an image which has a meaning for them and get them writing and talking, or creating other digital objects which work from this single metaphor. Yet another way that we can promote key actions as we CONNECT, with ideas and people and with physical infrastructure, where  we COLLABORATE with a shared purpose of making learning meaningful and relevant and where we then CREATE new knowledge or expressions of our understanding.

Hope you like the picture.  Feel free to click the Comment button and have your say !


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