Currently very excited by some of the links being made between a whole host of people. Locally in Newcastle there’s a ‘diverse twitterverse’ with great potential for an innovative future. For anyone near enough, keep watching out for some amazing events coming up.
Planning for one of the events and trying to get some ideas, who better to ask than my ‘tweeps?’
Twitter: what’s it good for?
Within a very short space of time, here is what they said
BiancaH80 @pryorcommitment Free learning that is lively, engaging and fun! Constant support and a plethora of new ideas everyday. CCC
MitchSquires @pryorcommitment Conversational learning that is relevant, interesting and really available at any level.
Mon, May 10 19:34:36 from TweetDeck in reply to pryorcommitment
k8tra @pryorcommitment learning and connections
Mon, May 10 19:34:43 from Tweetie in reply to pryorcommitment
MitchSquires @pryorcommitment Great connections that are invaluable to my class and me.
woojm @pryorcommitment constant inspiration and encouragement. plethora of new ideas every time you log in
Mon, May 10 19:42:35 from TweetDeck in reply to pryorcommitment
victeach @pryorcommitment opens my mind to professional learning not available in my school context and makes a big world smaller and more friendly.
alisa_williams @pryorcommitment twitter is immediate! No waiting on hold, no endless Google searches. You ask… your network AND the experts reply to you.
teachercolin @pryorcommitment Join the global conversation without barriers
Mon, May 10 19:45:47 from Twadget
siobhan_curran @pryorcommitment croudsourcing and immediacy
Mon, May 10 20:08:56 from Tweetie in reply to pryorcommitment
JSP2283 @pryorcommitment #twitter_what‘sitgoodfor : news, information links; encouragement; humour; diversion; venting;
Mon, May 10 20:13:20 from web
pipcleaves @pryorcommitment Twitter is connecting, collaborating and creating.
Mon, May 10 20:41:48 from TweetDeck
paulwils7 @pryorcommitment 24/7 Professional Learning FREE!!!! What more could you want???
Mon, May 10 20:55:45 from HootSuite in reply to pryorcommitment
growthwise @pryorcommitment benefit as gives you access to info to help build your business – the learning aspect
Mon, May 10 21:43:08 from TweetDeck in reply to pryorcommitment
growthwise @pryorcommitment Twitter is also a great way to stay connected to not only your client but also suppliers & the rest of the community
Mon, May 10 21:44:16 from TweetDeck in reply to pryorcommitment
growthwise @pryorcommitment it’s a forum to allow you to gather ideas & suggestions & a great tool to meet other like minded people
Mon, May 10 21:45:10 from TweetDeck in reply to pryorcommitment
jangreen31 @pryorcommitment resources, meanings, understandings. Synergy via CCC.
Mon, May 10 22:10:33 from web
jangreen31 @pryorcommitment Seems first tweet lost. Twitter great 4 modelling 21C leadership. Building, creating connections, school community, teacher
sandynay RT @jangreen31: @MCT_DG Twitter is a gr8 tool 4 modelling 21C leadership. CCC – school community, PLN, national/international. Create new…
jangreen31 @pryorcommitment teachers, PLNs, international/national opps 4 research and sharing. Its about CCC & synergy; personal & professional growth
And, last word from one of the ABC1233 crew from Newcastle
Twitter? what’s it good for?
carolduncan @pryorcommitment everything!
Mon, May 10 22:45:22 from HootSuite
Watch out for the New Institute, and the New Lunaticks
One Response to “Twitter: what’s it good for?”
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May 12th, 2010 at 9:55 pm
I missed out on contributing last night!
@stuhasic Twitter is good for reshaping the thinking and learning of all who participate.